If you are on supervision with another U.S. Probation or Pretrial Services Office, you must have permission from that office to travel to the District of Columbia. Your officer at the other U.S. Probation/Pretrial Services Offices should have details of your travel, including the dates of travel, your mode of travel (e.g., car, train, or plane with corresponding flight/train or vehicle tag numbers), and the address and phone number of where you are staying, and the purpose of your trip. Please note that an officer from this district may call or visit you or another person at this address before, after or during your visit.

This district restricts travel to the District of Columbia for any person with a history of or conviction for any offense involving hate crimes, threats against the Federal government, government officials, government property, or for sex offenses.

Please contact Supervisor Brian Shaffer at 202-565-1338 for more information or for questions.