Stay Connected

What You Can Do

Volunteer planting dune grass
  1. Respect your vacation spot. Keep the shore clean by taking your trash and fishing gear with you and leaving nature safe in its proper place for all to enjoy. Keep off the dunes so that they may continue to protect coastal habitat from storms.
  2. Protect fragile coral reefs. Leave coral on the reef when diving, don’t anchor your boat on a coral reef, and avoid buying jewelry or souvenirs made from coral.
  3. Pick up and recycle or dispose of all litter. Use the appropriate recycling and trash containers to keep litter from entering storm drains that lead to estuaries and the ocean.
  4. Volunteer to clean up. Participate in local activities, such as beach cleanups, that help protect habitat and the wildlife that lives there.
  5. Plant native species. Native shrubs and flowers provide better habitat for wildlife and require less water and fertilizer, which seeps into waterways and the ocean.
  6. Use “living shoreline” techniques. If you own waterfront property, stabilize shorelines and riverbanks with native grasses and plants instead of rock or concrete.
  7. Use green detergents and non-toxic products for household cleaning and lawn and garden care. Phosphates in detergents encourage algae growth, which can suffocate aquatic life. Never spray lawn or garden chemicals on a windy or rainy day, as they will wash into the waterways.
  8. Dispose of chemicals properly. Never pour chemicals, pharmaceuticals, or paint into the drain or toilets, and keep oil off the street.
  9. Use paper and recycled products made from unbleached paper. Bleached paper contains toxic chemicals that can contaminate water.
  10. Walk, ride a bike, use public transportation, or carpool. This reduces the amount of grease, oil, exhaust, and tire/brake residue that end up in our waterways. Particularly, vehicle exhaust contributes to nitrogen pollution entering our bays from the air.