Naval Research Laboratory Monterey


Serving the Navy
and the Nation for
over 85 years

Aerosol & Radiation (Code 7544)
Section Head:

The Aerosol and Radiation Section is involved in a wide range of aerosol research and development activities designed to meet the Navy objective of aerosol characterization , simulation and forecasting for use in predicting electro-optical (EO) propagation and other constraints on operations. Our interests include global and regional models, and our research and validation instrumentation suite.  The NRL Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) is our global NRL Monterey Code 7544 Graphicaerosol model, and the newest version of the Coupled Atmosphere/Ocean Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS®) with an embedded aerosol prediction capability provides regional aerosol modeling capabilities.  Finally, the Mobile Atmospheric Aerosol and Radiation Characterization Observatories (MAARCO’s), allow atmospheric characterization and model validation.

The Aerosol and Radiation Section focus areas include:

Development of Multi-scale Predictive Models of Aerosols.

Characterization of Aerosols.

Impact of Aerosols on Tactical Decision Aids.

COAMPS® and COAMPS-OS® are Registered trademarks of the Naval Research Laboratory