Office of Ethics
United States Department of Agriculture

Frequently Asked Questions

The frequently asked questions (FAQs) relate to the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch (Standards). Reference also may be made to statutes and to other ethics regulations administered within the Department of Agriculture. The Standards appear in regulation at 5 CFR Part 2635.

In the FAQs, terms taken from the Standards are not defined. The definitions are available at this website in the Standards. An exception is made for “gift” and “prohibited source” because of the importance of the terms.

DISCLAIMER: The questions asked, and the answers provided, in the FAQs above are examples only. They are intended to suggest answers to more common situations. You should not assume they address your individual facts, which must be considered before coming to a conclusion about the applicability of a given section of the Standards. Employees are encouraged to confer with their ethics advisors on all concerns they have.