Special Notice

This site is for information purposes only. It is provided as a courtesy to inform visitors of legislation relating to the courts. When a measure is posted on this site, it does not imply the Judicial Council endorses the legislation or that the council has taken a formal position on the issue.

Court-Related Legislation

2016 Summary of Court-Related Legislation

The 2016 Summary of Court–Related Legislation has brief descriptions of new laws, arranged according to subject matter, that affect the courts or that are of general interest to the judicial branch. The summary includes a statement for each new or amended statute that is determined to impact court operations and procedures, as well as a table summarizing new laws that create or expand crimes. Access the page numbers of specific bill summaries using an index at the back of the document.

Current and prior-year summaries can be accessed below.

Judicial Branch Legislative Priorities

Each year, the Judicial Council adopts legislative and budget priorities to pursue with the legislative and executive branches.

Active Legislation

Search by topic for active legislation that affects the courts or is of general interest to the courts. To perform further research on bills of interest Go to Bill Search. Click to view a list of OGA advocates by assigned subject area or program.

Legislative Status Charts

Each year, the Office of Governmental Affairs maintains a chart showing the status of all legislation the Policy Coordination and Liaison Committee (PCLC) has taken a position on or reviewed on the council's behalf that year. The current year chart is updated after each PCLC meeting.

Annual Summaries of Court-Related Legislation

Comprehensive, annual summaries of court-related legislation, which include brief descriptions of measures, organized by subject.

Bills Affecting Appellate Courts

Each year, the Governmental Affairs Office distributes to all appellate courts a table of bills that affect appellate courts.

Legislative Policy Summary

The Judicial Council's Governmental Affairs office monitors legislative activity and represents the Judicial Council before the Legislature, the Governor’s Office, and executive branch agencies and departments. The 2015 Legislative Policy Summary is an abstract of council action regarding court-related legislative proposals. The summary is organized by policy area and includes how the actions further the objectives of the seven goals of Justice in Focus: The Strategic Plan for California’s Judicial Branch, 2006-2016. The table that follows each policy area shows actions taken on legislation that illustrate the policy. The table does not include every bill on which a council position was taken. This document is updated annually. The document contains hyperlinks for viewing the text of the bills.

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