Accounts Payable (AP)


This page contains the SMART training materials associated with the Accounts Payable (AP) module in SMART. The SMART AP training materials are organized into the following sections:

Suppliers                                                               AP Reports
AP General Info
AP Tools    AP Integration Info                        

  • Each training material section on this page contains the following elements:
    - A blue section header, containing the heading for the section.
    - An overview of the training materials within the section, located beneath the section header.
    - The training materials for the section displayed in a list format, located beneath the section overview.

  • Each section of training materials contains training material items such as training guides and job aids.
  • Each list of training materials is displayed in alphabetical order, by title (of the training items).
  • Each training material item is presented with a brief summary that describes the contents of the training material.
  • To view the contents of a training document, simply click the title of the training document.
  • Some training documents may appear in more than one section (if they pertain to multiple sections).


The training material in this section provides an overview of suppliers in SMART.

  • Check For Existing Supplier_9 2
    Before creating a new supplier, you must check to see whether the supplier already exists. This helps prevent duplicate suppliers. Even if a supplier says they are new, check anyway. If it's been a few years or they have changed their name, they could still be in the system.
    DOC, 472.00 KB

  • Creating a New Supplier
    This job aid will help you create a new Supplier from start to finish. Please ensure that you have the W9 and other necessary documents before creating the supplier. These documents will give you all of the necessary information to create the supplier and will be attached to the supplier file. Once a supplier has been created, the agency will be locked out of making any changes.
    DOC, 1.19 MB

  • DA130 Procedure Job Aid
    The DA130 form is for the addition of or change to existing ACH bank account. This form is the official document used by the State of Kansas for authorization to make direct deposits. It must be used by all agencies for all non-employee suppliers. The only exceptions are agencies that pay an employee travel and expense out of the SMART T&E; table. These agencies may use the State DA184.
    DOC, 398.50 KB

  • Vendor Activity Guide - 03-08-12
    This training document contains the step by step instruction of how to enter vendor information into SMART. There are several activities within this training document - each activity covers different vendor possibilities.
    PDF, 1.34 MB

  • Vendor Participant Guide - 03-08-12
    This comprehensive training guide contains the information associated with vendor entry and maintenance in SMART.
    PDF, 2.45 MB

  • 'Welcome to Vendoring_101' as presented at ASTRA 5.14.14
    This PowerPoint document provides information on SMART vendor maintenance.
    PPTX, 740.77 KB

  • 1099-and-Withholding-Training-Guide
    This is a users guide to 1099 and withholding information. This training document also shows you how to enter 1099 and withholding information into a SMART vendor record.
    DOC, 1.82 MB


The training material in this section provides an overview for SMART voucher creation and maintenance.
  • AP Voucher Approval - 11-16-2015
    DOCX, 794.45 KB

  • Control Groups 06-15-10
    Users guide to creating and using voucher Control Groups in SMART.
    PDF, 778.62 KB

  • Copy From a Purchase Order 10-19-12
    This training document shows you how to use copy a PO details into a voucher using the Worksheet Copy Option of 'Purchase Order Only'.
    PDF, 246.90 KB

  • Copy From a Receipt 01-17-12
    This training guide shows you how to copy from a receipt line, to pull the correct quantity/amount received into the voucher (instead of pulling in the total PO quantity/amount).
    PDF, 316.29 KB

  • Correcting Match Exceptions 11-19-12
    This training document covers the Match Workbench which allows you to view a list of vouchers and match information. This Match Workbench page and the pages accessible from it enable you to override exceptions, correct errors, put vouchers on a match hold, initiate the Matching process, and undo matched vouchers.
    PDF, 215.51 KB

  • Create a 1099 Voucher 11-19-12
    Step by step instructions that show you how to create a 1099 voucher in SMART.
    PDF, 142.89 KB

  • Create a Single Payment Voucher - 09-25-13
    Outlines the steps you need to take to create a Single Payment Voucher in SMART. Please note that creating a Single Payment Voucher is an EXCEPTION process that is to be used only in rare circumstances.
    PDF, 626.80 KB

  • DA6 - Cancel for Reissue Job Aid 07-08-14
    This job aid is to be used as reference for submitting the correct form to the Financial Systems Desk via Manage Engine Help Desk ticket.
    DOC, 625.00 KB

  • DA7 - Cancel With No Reissue Job Aid
    This job aid is to be used as reference for submitting the correct form to the Financial Systems Desk via Manage Engine Help Desk ticket. Each form’s example will enable agency to determine which form best suits agency’s situation.
    DOC, 525.00 KB

  • Deleting and Closing Vouchers 11-19-12
    This training document outlines the steps and information for deleting and closing vouchers in SMART.
    PDF, 637.30 KB

  • Enter and Maintain Payment Messages 11-19-12
    Contains the information and steps to create a payment message, and to maintain (edit) an existing payment message.
    PDF, 584.82 KB

  • Enter and Maintain SpeedCharts 03-15-13
    Contains the information and steps to create a new speedchart, edit an existing speedchart, and to delete a speedchart.
    PDF, 275.23 KB

  • Enter and Maintain Voucher Origin Approvals 11-19-12
    Shows you how to enter new voucher origin approvals, and how to edit or maintain existing voucher origin approvals.
    PDF, 825.26 KB

  • How to Enter a Journal Voucher 11-19-12
    Contains the step by step instructions to show you how to enter a Journal Voucher in SMART.
    PDF, 267.18 KB

  • How to Process a Journal Voucher on a Single Pay Voucher - 11-18-13
    This training document shows you the steps to process a journal voucher for a single pay voucher. Use this process when you need to either: change the Fund, Budget Unit, Program, Account Code, and Project chartfields (if applicable to your agency) for a Single Pay Voucher that has already been paid in SMART, or, change the split (funding distribution) for a Single Pay voucher that has already been paid in SMART.
    PDF, 792.52 KB

  • Imprest and Petty Cash Fund: Record Expenditures by Creating a Voucher
    This job aid will step you through creating a SMART voucher to replenish an Imprest Fund or Petty Cash Fund.
    DOC, 594.50 KB

  • Imprest and Petty Cash Fund: Replenish Fund by Creating a Voucher
    This job aid will step you through creating a SMART voucher to replenish a Imprest Fund or Petty Cash Fund.
    DOC, 521.50 KB

  • INF50 Excel Voucher Upload 11-19-12
    This training document contains information about INF50 (interface to upload vouchers from an Excel spreadsheet in to SMART). Document contains the step-by-step instructions to use the INF50 Excel spreadsheet, and instructions on how to import the journals in to SMART.
    PDF, 466.52 KB

  • Matching Rules 11-19-12
    This training document contains a list of the Matching Rules in SMART. This document provides the following information: Name of the matching rule, a description (explanation) of each matching rule, and instructions on how to fix each of the matching rule errors.
    PDF, 202.06 KB

  • Paycycle Troubleshooting Guide 11-19-12
    This training document contains a troubleshooting guide on how to determine why a voucher is not being selected for payment by a paycycle.
    PDF, 152.69 KB

  • Reviewing Historical Payment Data for Accounts Payable Vouchers
    The purpose of this job aid is to provide agencies with a way to look up historical payment information. Agencies will be able to view data for payments including the payment method, payment date, payment reconcile status, voucher ID(s) associated with the payment, and supplier address associated with the payment.
    DOCX, 397.04 KB

  • Setoff Status on Vouchers 11-19-12
    This training document contains a list of the voucher setoff statuses, and provides a detailed explanation of each setoff status.
    PDF, 303.45 KB

  • Template Vouchers 02-20-13
    Comprehensive training guide for template vouchers in SMART, including how to create template vouchers in SMART, and how to use a template voucher in SMART.
    PDF, 572.50 KB

  • Using Imprest and Petty Cash Query
    This Job Aid will step you through running the query KS_AP_AGY_IMPREST_PETTY_CASH. The query will provide the agency with a method for validating the expenditure vouchers that have been entered in SMART. The query can be used in conjunction with the monthly reconciliation Form DA-73.
    DOC, 347.50 KB

  • Voucher Build Error Detail 11-19-12
    The Voucher Build process can result in pre-edit errors, stored in the quick invoice tables, or vouchers in recycle status, stored in the online voucher tables. This training document shows you how to navigate to, and look at the data in both tables.
    PDF, 262.46 KB

  • Voucher Styles 11-19-12
    This training document contains a list of voucher styles used in SMART, and contains a detailed explanation for each voucher style, and when they should be used.
    PDF, 222.17 KB

  • Voucher will not process for payment V.1.2 02-01-13
    Comprehensive training document that covers the ten possible reasons that a voucher has been entered in to SMART but it has not processed for payment.
    PDF, 1.01 MB

  • Wire Transfer Vouchers 11-19-12
    This training document contains an overview and detailed step-by-step process for creating wire transfer vouchers in SMART. This process is used for any type of payment that utilizes the State Treasurer’s Office to wire funds, or to recognize debits (i.e. tax payments) to our account. This process replaces process of creating a check and delivering it to the State Treasurer’s Office to be wired.
    PDF, 222.49 KB

  • 1099 Withholding Codes Job Aid
    The job aid provides a detailed list of SMART withholding codes and descriptions of each.
    RTF, 1.29 MB

AP Tools

These documents contain information regarding key pages or components within SMART that can be used to research and view additional information.

AP Reports

These documents contain SMART Report information pertaining to Accounts Payable within SMART.

AP General Info

This section contains general information for Accounts payable.

  • Accounts_Payable_End_to_End_Business_Process_Flow
    This training document shows you the flow of Accounts Payable information through SMART.
    PDF, 52.11 KB

  • AP Month End Checklist
    This training document provides a month end checklist for SMART as it pertains to Accounts Payable transactions within SMART. Use this training document at the of each month to make sure that you are processing all your transactions correctly, prior to month end close.
    PDF, 126.93 KB

  • Searching for Interfunds Needing Reciprocation Updated 6-24-14
    This job aid will assist agencies in searching for interfunds that need reciprocating. The initiating side of an interfund is the first of two transactions that make up a an interfund. The reciprocating side is the responding side of the two transactions.
    DOC, 565.00 KB

AP Integration Info

This section contains the training materials for integration with the Asset Management module.  These training materials cover Purchasing, Accounts Payable and Asset Management.  You should review the documents associated with your role in integration.