Graphic logo of SMART with a field of wheat background.

SMART Training Materials

This page is contains an overview of the SMART Training Materials and this SMART Web website.  Listed below are links to documents and web pages regarding the SMART Training Materials; the icons used, the types of documents used, formats of documents, and so on.

In order to meet accessibility requirements, some SMART Training Material content is being developed in multiple formats, namely .PDF files and online web pages. 

The .PDF file format allows you to open and view the document in a page format, which also allows for printing of the document if necessary. Please note that it is the State of Kansas best practice NOT TO PRINT training documents because these documents are updated on a frequent basis.

The online (web page) format is accessed by clicking a blue navigation button (where available) to open the web page(s) containing the content of the document.  Web pages launch from the current page; they do not open in a new window.  Once you have finished viewing the content on a web page, use the back button in your browser to return to the previous page.  Please note that the online web page format is recommended for users employing assistive technology devices and/or software.

Training Documents

This section contains job aid training documents that give you an overview to the icons used in the SMART Training Materials and on the SMART Website, the training materials structure and format, including how to use them, and a presentation showing you how to best use this SMART Web website.

Graphic icon of an 'i' indicating Job Aids within the SMART Training Materials
  • SMART Training Materials - Guide For Use - V.1.1
    Users Guide to the different types of training materials used within the SMART Training materials on the SMART Web website. This training document provides examples of each of the different types of training materials, and provides an explanation on how to best use each of the training material types.
    PDF, 174.44 KB

  • SMART Web - Icon Guide - 8-22-13
    User's Guide to the icons used within the SMART Web website, and within the SMART Training materials. This training document contains the icons used, and provides definitions and explanations for each of the icons.
    PDF, 367.87 KB

  • How to use the SMART Web website - 8-22-13
    This training document contains an overview to the SMART Web website layout and functionality, including an explanation of the different types of training materials, and instructions on how to best use them.
    PDF, 2.63 MB

Website Pages (same content as Training Documents)

This section contains the web page content for the job aids listed above. These web pages contain the same content as the job aids listed above.

Do You Have Training Material Suggestions ?

Graphic image of an open mailbox, indicating 'Send us an email'.
We would LOVE to hear from you - Please Email Us!

We really want to hear from you.  Your feedback helps us make training better for everyone.  It's our mission to provide the best training materials possible.  Please email us your questions, comments, or suggestions concerning the SMART Training Materials.

Please click the following link to send the SMART Training Team an email:

Email the SMART Training Team

Thank you for your feedback, we sincerely appreciate it and will respond to you as promptly as we can!