Regional Health Command Central


Equal Opportunity (EO) Program

Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA)

Phone: 210.295.2353




Equal Opportunity Advisor Mission: Effectively and efficiently enhance readiness by promoting and fostering an equal opportunity environment that ensures quality healthcare to patients, while creating an atmosphere that supports and encourages fair treatment of all employees based solely on merit, fitness, capability and potential.


Purpose: To ensure everyone will be given every opportunity to develop professionally and personally free from prejudice and discrimination. Leaders will ensure the command climate encourages everyone to freely identify and report discrimination without the threat of intimidation or reprisal. Everyone is expected to take swift and positive steps to help eradicate biased behaviors and discriminatory practices.


Useful Links


Army Equal Opportunity Branch (EO)

AR 600-20: Army Command Policy and Summary of Changes

Department of the Army Diversity and Leadership

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

AR 690-600: EEO Discrimination Complaints

Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI)


Other EO Related Material: CAC Access Required


All RHC-C EO/EEO policy letters and other related data can be found on the Portal.


4070 Stanley Rd. JBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234

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