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Homepage » Reference Data » Polygon Data

Contribute Polygon Event Data

EventsLANDFIRE (LF) would like to acknowledge and thank everyone who has contributed data.

Polygon data for disturbance and treatment activities are processed and maintained in an events geodatabase. The LF Events Geodatabase is used to inform biennial updates to existing vegetation and fuel layers. Event polygons reflect landscape change from:

LF primary focus for this data call is to collect disturbance and treatment polygons from 2015/2016 to be evaluated for use in the next update. If you submit more recent or older data, LF will archive the data for evaluation and potential use in future mapping updates or comprehensive remaps. Refer to Disturbance Data Processing to learn how LF evaluates and processes polygon data.

To submit your data, please follow steps 1-5.

LF Reference Data Requirements provides more information on LF disturbance and treatment polygon data needs.

See an overview depicting LF 2012, 2010, and 2008 reference statistics.

For data submission, questions, or you are aware of other data sources, contact:

Brenda Lundberg
LANDFIRE Reference Data Administrator