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LANDFIRE - multi-partner wildland fire, ecosystem, and wildland fuel mapping projectGraphics for LANDFIRE

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Homepage » Data Products Overview » Vegetation


LANDFIRE (LF) existing vegetation layers describe the following elements: existing vegetation type (EVT), existing vegetation canopy cover (EVC), and existing vegetation height (EVH). These layers are created using predictive landscape models based on extensive field-referenced data, satellite imagery and biophysical gradient layers using classification and regression trees. LF potential vegetation layers describe the following elements: bio-physical settings (BPS) and environmental site potential (ESP). These layers are created using predictive landscape models based on extensive field-referenced data and biophysical gradient layers using classification and regression trees.

Products » Vegetation Product Alerts
Existing VegetationPotential Vegetation
Existing Vegetation Type - complexes of plant communities
Existing Vegetation Cover - vertically projected percent cover of the live canopy layer for a specific area
Existing Vegetation Height - average height of the dominant vegetation
Existing Vegetation Type, Cover, and Height agree by lifeform for every pixel. Use existing vegetation layers together for a more complete representation of the vegetated landscape.
Biophysical Settings - vegetation that may have been dominant on the landscape pre Euro-American settlement
Biophysical Settings Models and Descriptions (non-spatial) - state-and-transition models representing pre-settlement reference conditions for each biophysical setting
Environmental Site Potential - vegetation that could be supported at a given site based on the biophysical environment
LF Reference Database (LFRDB) - consists of vegetation and fuel data from geo-referenced sampling units nationwide


Vegetation products are used:

bulletIn change detection analysis bulletFor natural resource management
bulletto identify the nation's major ecosystems bulletto inventory wildlife habitat

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