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Contribute Plot Data

LF National plot location map
LF National Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) plot location map:
more plot data submissions could improve the quality of LF data

LANDFIRE (LF) would like to acknowledge and thank everyone who has contributed data.

LF relies on user contributed plot data for training sites in mapping processes. All acceptable plot data will be converted and archived in the LANDFIRE Reference Database (LFRDB) for evaluation and potential use in future mapping needs.

Plot data is a secondary focus for this data call. The official LF 2015 remap data submission deadline passed, however, please feel free to submit your plot data. LF will incorporate additional data as time and production schedules allow or they will be archived for future evaluation.

LF National plot count by EVT
Plot Coverage: LF National Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) plot location map shows where vegetation plot data had limited distribution. LF National plot count by EVT highlights EVTs that had limited vegetation plot data.

Ultimately, additional plot data from ALL sectors of the country for ALL vegetation types will enhance LF products.

LF Plot Data Attributes
CategoryPossible Plot Attributes
Sampling Unit XY coordinates
Sampling date
Vegetation Cover type and/or potential vegetation type
Full or partial list of plant taxa with estimates of canopy cover and height
Measurements of individual trees can include diameter, height, crown base height, crown ratio, crown class, or density
Fuel Counts or biomass measures of fine and coarse woody material
Depth or biomass measures of litter and duff layers
Biomass measures of live and dead shrub or herbaceous material

The LFRDB consists of plot data that:

Plot data:

Acceptable formats:

Supporting information:

LF Reference Data Requirements provides more information on plot data needs.

Refer to Plot Data Processing on LFRDB methods.

New and Improved LF Auto-Keys: LF is gearing up for LF remap - learn about the redesign of the Auto-Keys process, which is used to determine existing vegetation type classification based on plot data in the LFRDB — Developing Auto-Keys for LF Vegetation Mapping: 2014-2015 CONUS Project Report

For data submission, questions, or you are aware of other data sources, contact:

Brenda Lundberg
LANDFIRE Reference Data Administrator