Representing Yourself

This section is designed to provide information to people who are representing themselves in civil cases in the Northern District of California.

It provides information and useful documents, but is not a substitute for legal advice from an experienced attorney. If you can afford to hire a lawyer to represent you or can find low-cost or free professional legal help, you are strongly encouraged to do so. If you do not have a lawyer and want to proceed with a case in federal court, you can represent yourself; you will be a “pro se litigant.” 

In a civil case (the only type of case an individual can start in federal court), you do not have a constitutional right to free legal representation. If you start a civil case without a lawyer, you should be prepared to pursue it to completion on your own. In rare cases, the court sometimes appoints attorneys to assist in civil cases. More information about this is provided on these pages.

Please read an important privacy notice for pro se litigants.

Looking for Legal Help?

Visit the Legal Help Centers at the United States District Court for limited-scope help from an attorney.


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