Welcome to the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program
Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program Balancing Resource Use and Conservation

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Welcome to the LCR MSCP's Accessibility web page. LCR MSCP is committed to making every possible effort to ensure that all information is accessible to people with disabilities, including both employees and customers we serve. If you experience any difficulty accessing the information on our web site, please email the webmaster, Michelle Reilly, at mreilly@usbr.gov. We will try to assist you as best we can. This may include providing the information to you in an alternate format.

The Federal Relay Service (FRS) provides Communication Assistants (CAs) who act as intermediaries for telecommunications between hearing individuals and individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, and/or have speech disabilities. The FRS is accessible domestically (50 states as well as Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the District of Columbia) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (including Federal holidays). There are no restrictions on the number, length, or type of calls. All calls are strictly confidential and no records of conversations are maintained. Information on FRS toll-free and toll-access number are located at http://www.fts.gsa.gov/frs/tollfree.htm.

For additional information on Accessibility within the Department of Interior (DOI), visit the Accessibility Technology Center Website at http://www.doi.gov/atc. The DOI's Accessible Technology Program was established in June, 2000 to support employees with disabilities by determining the appropriate assistive technology and ergonomic solutions for those individuals. These accommodations are a surprisingly affordable way to enable employees with a disability to equal access to information technology that is essential in today's workplace.

You can also find additional information on disability related topics at http://www.doi.gov/diversity which is the DOI Office of Civil Rights website. This website will also give you direct access to http://www.Disabilityinfo.gov, which is a one-stop Federal website designed to offer people with disabilities and others access to the information and resources they need to live full and independent lives in the workplace and in their communities.

For further information about the regulations governing the accessibility of Federal electronic information products, visit the Section 508 pages listed below:

Updated November 26, 2012