Driving Directions

Fort Huachuca is located in the Southeastern corner of Arizona. Take exit 302 from Interstate 10 and drive south for approximately 25 miles to the main gate. This will be the second traffic light after passing through Huachuca City. Turn right at the traffic light to enter the post. Pull off to the right to obtain a temporary visitor's pass before proceeding to the security check point. To obtain a visitor's pass, you will need the following documents:

  • Picture ID -- driver's license.
  • Vehicle Registration.
  • Proof of Insurance.
  • Assignment or TDY orders (Military or Civilian workers only -- not required for visitors.)

* Note that vehicle registration and proof of insurance are required only if you are driving your own privately owned vehicle or a rental vehicle onto Fort Huachuca. If you are using public transportation such as a taxi or shuttle bus, those documents are not required.

Contact Info

Fort Huachuca Automated Operator

(520) 533-7111