Chemical Awareness

The Anniston Chemical Agent Disposal Facility is the site of the chemical weapons incinerator whose main task consists of demilitarization of seven percent of the United States chemical munitions stockpile. To date, the ANCDF Team has processed 18.9 percent of the mustard 4.2-inch mortars; 16.4 percent of all mustard munitions; 100 percent of all GB and VX munitions; and 62.1 percent of all munitions (61.7 percent of all agents). The Anniston facility stockpile has successfully been reduced by 62 percent. While it is unlikely that a chemical accident will occur at the disposal facility, it is very important that you know your zones and what to do in case of a chemical disaster. Chemical

There are six counties close to the facility considered to be at the greatest risk. They are: Calhoun County, Clay County, Cleburne County, Etowah County , St. Clair County , Talladega County

If you live in these counties, you should be aware of what to do if a chemical accident occurs. It is very important that you understand the different siren tones and be aware of the proper actions to take to protect yourself from harm. You should also understand the proper Safety Action Procedures, which may require you to evacuate or Shelter In Place.