PPS Science Algorithm Input/Output Toolkit (TKIO)


The purpose of the Science Algorithm Input/Output Toolkit (TKIO) is twofold. First, the Toolkit provides a set of commonly used routines and constants for algorithm developers and researchers. These commonly used items have been placed in the Science Algorithm Input/Output Toolkit to reduce the amount of parallel code development. By taking care of low-level details, the Precipitation Processing System (PPS) TKIO can greatly simplify the input/output (I/O) code that algorithm developers and researchers need to write.

The routines are designed to be easily used by algorithm developers and researchers at their home institutions. This means that the routines contain basic functionality that will be used by most algorithm developers and researchers.

The second purpose of the Science Algorithm Input/Output Toolkit is to allow seamless integration of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) algorithms into the PPS environment. Since PPS treats the delivered algorithms as black boxes, it is essential that the interfaces with PPS be well defined and consistent across algorithms. Thus, the Science Algorithm Toolkit development has concentrated on those routines that are essential to interaction with the PPS environment. Throughout the TRMM era, this purpose of the Toolkit has been fulfilled and has eased the integration of the science algorithm code into the production environment.

To Access the PPS/GPM Toolkit source files, documentation and archived versions; please visit our FTP archive by clicking on the highlighted address below::


GPM Toolkit FTP archive


The TKIO user guides are posted at this site. Users should refer to the TKIO v10.00 versions of the document for all TKIO software versions prior to tkio-3.70.4. For software versions tkio-3.70.2 and later, users should reference the TKIO v11.00 versions of the users' guides. 


The PPS/GPM toolkit FTP archive is organized as follows:

-All versions of the TKIO Users Guides are available in the top level directory. Each delivered version of TKIO has its own subdirectory named tkio-<version number>. The current GPM production version of TKIO is 3.60.4/3.60.8. TKIO versions 3.70.n are currently test versions intended for future GPM V04 processing.

-In each TKIO subdirectory, the user will find the TKIO tar file compressed using gzip, typically named tkio-<version number>.tar.gz. The tar file contains the TKIO library code, all under a main directory named "tkio". Other files in each TKIO subdirectory may include:

-Release notes - detailing changes for this release of TKIO. Files are named RELEASE_<version number>.docx/pdf/.txt.

-Algorithm Format Changes file - these files are named AlgFormatChanged_<version number>.docx/pdf/txt and contain a list of the algorithm IDs, product version, and metadata version for each product that was changed in that release of TKIO.

-A gzipped tar file with sample files of the products that TKIO helps produce.

-The TKIO C and FORTRAN Users Guides that were updated for that release.