GPM Version 4 Trending Results


PPS has begun trending certain GPM variables. The trending software is run on each orbit of data producing ASCII files that contain the sum, sum of squares and count information of each variable along with other bookeeping information. These trend files are then used to make the various graphs.

Graphs and trend files are automatically updated when PPS processing completes,once per week for now. In the near future, it will be once per day.


Graphs/ Time Series Plots
Time series plots display the mean and standard deviation of a variable per day.

Roll Plots
Tracking of GMM attitude with DPR available in the 1BK-ROLL directory. Roll is done per orbit.

We are still updating the contents of these pages.  Please notify PPS HelpDesk of any problems you encounter:

Please click on the respective links below for "graphs" to find GPM Trending plot images and "trendfiles" for GPM Trending ASCII files.  You will then be presented with direct access to the GPM algorithm directories and partner satellite trending results.


Graphs - GPM Trending plot images

Trendfiles -GPM Trending ASCII files

FTP Instructions Click here if you wish non browsing ftp instructions.





Legacy Version 3 Trending Results

Graphs-V3-OLD - GPM Trending plot images(OLD)

Trendfiles-V3-OLD -GPM Trending ASCII files(OLD)