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The IAF produces Grassroots Development, an Annual Review and a Congressional Budget Justification each year. Print versions of Grassroots Development and the Annual Report are available in both English and Spanish, and digital copies are available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

The purpose of the Grassroots Development journal is to share experiences from the field on the following topics: how the poor in Latin America and the Caribbean organize and work to improve their lives; issues and trends in community development; and how institutions cooperate to further the development of the region. The Annual Review features information on the IAF’s active portfolio in each country, with highlights from new and supplemental grants. The Congressional Budget Justification describes how appropriated funds were spent in the previous fiscal year and outlines how requested funds will be allocated in the upcoming fiscal year.

Recent Publications 

cover of IAF journal. photo of Kuna mother and child  annual_2011   CBJ-FY13 cover

Several Videos from IAF supported projects


 Marias  CAP1  Fundesyram
 Marias 93  Centro Arte para la Paz  FUNDESYRAM
 Asali  Adescoim  
 NESsT  FUPEC  Coopesolidar
NESsT Chile, a glance into their projects  Elmer Arias, FUPEC recognized by Salvadoran Embassy in Washington DC.  Video from Coopesolidar, a partner in Costa Rica
Transparencia (Colombia)
CAP (El Salvador)
FIB (Brazil)



Last updated: 1/18/2013 8:25:26 PM